
Troubleshooting MongoDB Service Failure: Resolving code=exited, status=48 Error


When managing a MongoDB server, encountering issues with the service can be frustrating. One such issue is the code=exited, status=48 error, which indicates that the MongoDB service failed to start due to the port 27017 being already in use. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the root cause of this error and provide step-by-step instructions to resolve it. Understanding the Error...

How to Disable CSRF protection on specific Routes in Laravel


Laravel is built with security in mind and hence it comes with a lot of built-in security features. One of these major security features is cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection. The csrf vulnerability allows anyone to imitate forms on a site and make forged requests to modify or retrieve data.  Laravel generates a csrf token for every user session. Using the csrf token, laravel can...

How to Host Multiple Websites on a Nginx Server


I have been using Nginx as the preferred web server for most of my web projects. It is very efficient than apache, which I used initially for my projects. It didn’t take long to find out the limitations of apache as the traffic grew.  After spending some time researching solutions, eventually, I came across Nginx. Its performance and efficiency simply amazed me. If we compare two separate...

Close Terminal without Killing Running Processes on Linux with Tmux


When connecting remotely to a Linux server, all the processes or scripts started by you through the terminal run as long as you are connected to the server. As soon as you close the terminal, the processes started by you will get terminated.  I faced this issue when I was new to Linux servers. The naive me ran scripts through cronjobs and the issue was temporarily sorted out for me. It did...

Ubuntu Edge : Smartphone and Desktop PC combined in one


The Ubuntu Edge is the next generation of personal computing: smartphone and desktop PC in one state-of-the-art device. It’s a smartphone which runs on both Ubuntu Mobile OS and android and has the capability to replace your desktop .  The Ubuntu Edge is now in a prototype stage . This beautifully crafted smartphone can convert into a full fledged Desktop PC just by plugging the device into...

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