How to Block Ads on your Android Phone


Advertisements on websites are an annoyance to a majority of the internet users. However we should also not forget that Ads are a necessary evil and it’s only because of them, we are able to get information for free on the internet.
Not all websites are jam packed with advertisements. Most websites that are making use of the Google Adsense ad network are limited to display at max three to four ads and adding to that the ads are not at all intrusive. It is usually low quality sites that make use of intrusive ads.
Popup and popunder ads are the only ad types that are the most annoying as they interfere with our browsing activity. Thankfully Adsense doesn’t support these ad types so you should be comfortable with allowing ads to be displayed from the Google Adsense ad network.
Desktop users can make use of the Adblock extension with Chrome, Firefox or Opera to block ads on webpages. But when it comes to blocking ads while browsing the web on Android or iOS smartphones, there are no such web browser extensions.
The primary motive behind using ad blockers is to block ads, but as the same time ad blockers also help to load web pages faster as they eliminate ads which mostly contain bandwidth heavy flash elements.
For android and iOS smartphones, Adblock has gone ahead and developed an full fledged web browser for android smartphones with an integrated ad blocker.
For those of you want to block ads while browsing the internet on your android smartphone, here’s how you can do so:

How to Block Ads on your Android Phone.

Install the Adblock Browser on your Android smartphone from the play store link provided at the end of this post..
Once the app is installed, open it and browse any website.

The Adblock browser will by default block all the ads on the website you’re browsing.
If you want to allow ads on a certain site, then you can tap on the three vertical dot icon to the top right to bring up the options. You can then uncheck the Block ads on this site option to unblock all the ads on the site you’re currently browsing.
Last but not the least, remember that ads are a source of revenue for most websites and by blocking them you are hurting their revenue. Always use your judgement before blocking ads on a website.
Download: Adblock browser for Android

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By lovejeet


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