After more than two weeks of providing gamers a peek into the upcoming Battlefield 4 Multiplayer , The battlefield 4 multiplayer beta has successfully concluded today . I have been playing the open beta since these two weeks and i have many things to share with your about the upcoming battlefield 4 multiplayer .

What’s new in Battlefield 4 Multiplayer
To begin with my Battlefield 4 beta experience ,The battlefield 4 beta was very much different than the Gameplay of battlefield 3 .The battlefield 4 beta consisted of only one map , which was Sieze of shanghai and had three gameplay modes which were domination , Conquest and Obliteration . The Seize of shanghai map not much large , but it can be compared with the size of the Nosahar canals map in Battlefield 3 .
Battlefield 4 also includes a new commander and spectator modes . The commander mode allows you set attack order for individual squads . there will be a total of two commanders , one for each side .
[ Week 1 ] Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Beta experience
On the first day of the multiplayer beta , i was very much excited to jump into the game . Though i didn’t like the new interface for battlefield 4 , most probably it was because of the color scheme . But i was surprised to see server from Mumbai in the server list . It was the first time in the battlefield history that we Indians at last had servers hosted in our country . Previously the best choice we had was to play on Singaporean or Japanese servers and if we were lucky enough , we would manage to get a server with a minimum ping of around 150ms .
The new Indian servers were the only reason i made up my mind to buy Battlefield 4 , inspite of the high price of Rs 4500 , which is actually the half of my room rent . Being a student it was actually going to create a big hole in my pocket , but battlefield being my weekends entertainment and i was ready to invest Rs 4500 for that .
Gaming configuration
Everything was set , i geared up with my gaming gear and fired up the battlefield 4 beta .The first thing to bug me was the game loading time itself . My gaming build comprises of an Hexa Core AMD 1055T processor , coupled with 8 Gigs of ram and a Radeon 7950 GPU with 3GB of buffer memory . Which were pretty much above the recommended system configuration .But inspite of having these hardware , it took a staggering 10 minutes to load the Game level and get inside the game .
By default when the game launched , the game’s graphics settings were set at ultra . When i finally joined the game i had this excitement that getting frags would be a breeze in battlefield 4 , since i had been a battlefield veteran . But it didn’t end up as i expected it to be . The game was running at around 30 FPS on my PC and to add to that the game was very laggy . I said what the hell , How am i supposed to play when i am not even able to move smoothly . Getting killed and knifed was kind of humiliating and i thought that my system was not meant to play the game at ultra settings .
Next i tried setting the graphics at the custom High , medium and low settings and played at each settings for about an hour . Well it was kind of a disappointment , as even with the lowest settings i was never able to cross the 30 fps mark and the lag was always there . That was the end of the battlefield beta for me . After playing the beta for 3 days , getting humiliated by being knifed all the time and ending up with a negative score , i thought its time for me to skip battlefield 4 and wait for battlefield 5 or whatever .
[ Week 2 ] Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Beta experience
After my shameful fail at the battlefield 4 beta multiplayer , i resumed playing battlefield 3 Multiplayer . Since i was subscribed to the official battlefield accounts on twitter and Facebook , i was still being up to date with the latest information regarding the battlefield 4 multiplayer beta . That is how i noticed that battlefield 4 had an patch for the Multiplayer , which had reportedly increased the game’s performance for most gamers . The very next second i started up origin and i was greeted with a update for battlefield 4 multiplayer , which was around 50MB in size .
Within minutes the patch was updated and i was searching for the servers . I joined a domination server hosted in Mumbai and with great hope i was inside the game . This time around everything had changed , the lag which i experienced previously had gone and i was getting an constant average of 50 Fps in the game . I entered the game and played for an entire game without any hiccups . The game was pretty much smooth , although there were many bugs in the game . Let me sum up my entire game with these pros and cons . Since it was a beta , i have more cons than pros so please bear with me .
- The ammo dropouts were not visible on the minimap and being an assault , most of the time i would be busy scavenging for ammo dropouts and i the end i would end up being killed .
- With the addition of working elevator , there were lots of roof campers , whom i hated the most .
- The evolution concept is great , but we need to see how it is implemented across all the maps in the final game itself . In the seize of shanghai map , there was just a single building which could be destroyed completely and it doesn’t make much of a difference even if the building is there or not .
- Still in the battlefield 4 beta i was able to spot a hacker . this is not a good sign , which means we are going to see more hackers in the final multiplayer .
- The battlefield 4 beta was a resource hogger , the game itself was occupying more than 2GB of RAM and 90% of CPU resources on my hexa core .
- Snipers now leave a bullet trail , which kind of bugs me , because you have to wait for the bullet trail to disappear so that you can aim at your enemy player again .

- Lots of new guns are added up in the multiplayer . which is really great . Since i didn’t play the beta in the first week , i could not level up much inside the game and all i could unlock was two new guns in the assault class .
- The new battlelog now allows you to share your match score to facebook directly . another great way to brag about your awesome score .
- The levels are very much realistic now , in the size of shanghai map , there were lot of objects in the map to make the game interactive .
- With battlefield 4 , now you can save yourself from getting knifed and knife the enemy itself . No more humiliations 😀 .
- The spectator mode is great for creating gameplay montages .

Like the Battlefield 3 beta , the final gameplay of battlefield 4 multiplayer will be entirely different from the beta . This time around EA is already aiming on making battlefield 4 a Esport . Though right now all we can do is wait and watch how the final version of the Battlefield 4 would be perceived by the gamers all over the world , but one thing that i am sure is that every battlefield player would not want to miss battlefield 4 . Overall battlefield 4 multiplayer is great , which makes it a must buy . Right now all i am waiting is to experience how the new the new naval warfare is in battlefield 4 .