How to Install and Use Whatsapp on PC


Whatsapp has changed the way we connect with our friends and families today. It is a major reason why SMS and MMS have become a thing of the past and instant messaging is now our preferred method of communication with our friends and families.
Today the popular instant messaging app has more than 6000 million users and everyday around 64 billion messages are exchanged on its network. Unfortunately Whatsapp is only available for smartphones which are running mobile operating systems such as Android, iOS and Blackberry.
However there are many people out there who would like to install whatsapp on their PC and send messages through it. This is also a similar case with people who don’t have an android phone but they want to communicate with all their friends who are using Whatsapp on their android or iOS phones.
whatsapp on pc windows bluestacks app player
Although Whatsapp is officially not available on windows or any other desktop operating systems, there is a simple workaround for installing Whatsapp on an windows PC and sending messages through it. The best thing about this workaround is, you won’t miss any features that are available on the android or the iOS version of Whatsapp.
For those who want to install and use Whatsapp from their windows PC, the instructions below will guide you through the entire process of installing Whatsapp on your PC and using it to send messages to your friends and relatives using Whatsapp on their smartphones.Before i start with the instructions let me tell you how we are going to install Whatsapp on a windows PC.
First of all we will be installing Bluestacks App player on Windows. For those of you who are new to Bluestacks, it is an free android emulator for windows that can help you with installing and running android apps and games on windows.
So once Bluestacks App player is installed on your PC, you can then download and install Whatsapp from Bluestack’s app store. Once Whatsapp has been downloaded and installed, you can then run it inside Bluestacks App player and proceed with creating your account. At one point you would have to provide your cell phone number in order to validate your account. So having an cell phone is absolutely mandatory.
Here’s how you can install Whatsapp on a windows PC and then use it to send and receive messages from your friends and relatives using Whatsapp on android or iOS.

How to Install Whatsapp on a Windows PC

  • Step 1: Download and install Bluestacks App player from the link provided at the bottom of this article.

Note: Bluestacks App player is not compatible with certain anti viruses such as Bitdefender.

  • Step 2: Once Bluestacks App player is installed, run it.
  • Step 3: Once you run Bluestacks App player, you will be greeted with the following screen where you will be prompted to sign in with your Google account, so that you can access the Google Play Store.
  • Step 4: Click on continue and sign in with your Google account in the next page.


  • Step 5: Next you have to sign in again with your Google account on the web in order to enable the Google app sync feature.


  • Step 6: Finally you will be taken to the Google play store. You will now have to search for the Whatsapp app and then install it like you would do on a android phone.


  • Step 7: Once Whatsapp is downloaded and installed in Bluestacks App player, click on the open button and you will be able to access Whatsapp.


  • Step 8: Next click on Agree and continue.


  • Step 9: You will then have to enter your cell phone number. Enter it and click on OK.


  • Step 10: Next Whatsapp will send an text message to your phone in order to verify your Whatsapp account. On a android phone this process happens automatically without the users interaction, however since the app is installed on a PC and the message is received by your phone. Your whatsapp account will not be verified.

Instead you will have to wait for a few minutes until the message verification fails and Whatsapps suggests you to use the call verification process instead. Click on Call me to start the call.

  • Step 11: Wait for a few seconds till you receive a call on your phone. Accept the call and note down the verification number provided. Enter the verification number in Whatsapp on your windows PC and Whatsapp will automatically accept it.
  • Step 12: Next you will have to enter a name for your Whatsapp profile and even choose a photograph.


  • Step 13: Finally you will be able to use Whatsapp on your windows PC and the controls will be same as your android device.

That’s it, now you will be able to use Whatsapp from your windows PC and send messages to your friends and relatives using Whatsapp on other mobile devices. Last but not the least you should know that you cant use a single Whatsapp account on multiple devices, which is why you will have to create different Whatsapp accounts for your PC and smartphone.
Download: Bluestacks App Player

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