Getting paid to browse the internet sounds too good to be true. But it is indeed real and after trying it for a while it is time for you guys to know about this new revolution on the internet.
Thanks to the Blockchain technology, you can now get paid to browse the internet. This is exactly what the good guys at Brave software are working on right now. Brave has launched the Brave Browser which provides you with ad free browsing experience without the need for any plugin. The Brave browser is built to provide privacy to the user which is why it blocks all advertisements and trackers by default.

To bring some credibility let me tell you something more about Brave. Brave was founded by Brendan Eich, he is the co-creator of the JavaScript programming language and one of the co-founders of the Mozilla project, who develop the FIrefox web browser. Now that you know about the credibility of Brave browser, let’s see how it works.
Websites today earn revenue by showing advertisements, where a percentage of the advertising revenue is kept by ad serving platforms such as google’s Adsense. But with the Brave browser, the viewer is the one who gets paid to view ads.
Brave is built upon blockchain technology. Using this technology, the brave browser rewards its users with the Basic Attention Token ( BAT ) cryptocurrency for viewing ads. As of writing this blog post the value of one BAT is $0.23. The BAT coins can be sold on any cryptocurrency exchange for dollars and then transferred to your bank account. However there are a number of online marketplaces that accept the BAT coin as payment.
Now you might be thinking, what about the website owners, how will they earn revenue?
Well, the BAT coins can be tipped to any website through the browser itself. So if you really like a website, you can choose to tip a certain amount to the website. Adding to that you can also choose to set a monthly contribution to your favourite website out of the total BAT you earn every month. This way you can make sure that your favourite website continues to deliver good content.
The good thing about the Brave browser is, it does not advertisements disturb your browsing experience. Instead of showing ads on the browser, the ads are shown as notification through the operating system. For example here is how the ads appear on my windows pc. This is much better than showing ads on websites, which causes a lot of distraction.

So how can you use the Brave browser to earn some BAT coins.
Its is very simple. Just download the Brave browser and install in on your PC or Mobile ( yes it is also available for mobile devices).
Once it is installed, you can straightway start browsing the internet and start earning BAT coins.
Here is how much I have earned till now. It’s not much, but it’s free money.

Today people are earning handsomely with the help of the internet. Take an example of Vloggers on youtube. When i started blogging, there were a very few vloggers, but today vloggers are looked at as celebrities.
Blogging has been one of the best ways to make money online and I am making a living out of it. It’s been a long journey from 2013 and This blog has helped me to earn while doing what I love to do. But with the Brave all you can earn is a good passive income. Who knows there might come a day when you can earn a decent amount of BAT per month. It all depends on the numbers of advertisers willing to show their ads through the brave browser.
The numbers are portraying a bright future for the Brave browser. Within a few years of uits launch, it has become one of the top browsers on the Google play store in many countries. It won’t be long when we might see it among the top three widely used web browsers. After all who wants to view those annoying popups and ads. The Brave browser brings us a better internet, one where the ads don’t come in between you and your browsing experience.
Do give the Brave browser a try. I hope you like it and last but not the least, hope you make a good passive income from browsing the internet.