When it comes to creating or formatting Partitions in windows , most people are not aware of the disk management tool in windows and they prefer to use a windows installation disk to create, delete or merge Partition on a windows PC . Well in case if you are planning on formatting the windows Partition itself , then you would definitely need an windows installation disk . Otherwise For all of...
How to Download Android Apps as APK Files From Play Store
For all of us using an Android device , we already know that the Google play store limits the download of android apps and games only via an android phone or other android devices . Even if Android supports sideloading of apps and games , Google has always restricted the direct downloads of apps from the play store as apk files . Google is doing the best to protect our android devices and the...
How to View your Saved Passwords in Google Chrome
If you are a Google chrome user, you would have allowed Google chrome to save your passwords numerous times. But when you lose or forget your passwords, a very few of you consider to look for your saved passwords in Google chrome. For those who are new to Google chrome, you should be aware that Google chrome has a built in password manager which usually prompts you to save your passwords...
Share your PC’s Internet with an Android Phone over USB
Most of us must be very familiar with USB or WiFi tethering as a method of sharing the Internet connection from an android phone with other devices. But fairly a very few of us are familiar with the opposite process which is known as Reverse tethering . Using reverse tethering you can share your Computer’s internet connection with your Android phone through an USB data cable. This is in fact a...
How to Save Google Maps for Offline viewing on a Android phone
There has been countless times when Google maps has proved to be an effective navigation system on my Android phone . I can definitely admit that using Google maps is very simple and it is by far the most accurate navigation maps available for Android phones . The only downside of Google maps is that , it needs an fast internet or data connection to work smoothly and its a major data hog . While...
How to Scan and Save documents as PDF files with a Android phone
You might not be aware of the fact , but your android phone is an handy scanner and Optical character recognition ( OCR ) tool . This is a very useful fact , which everyone should be aware of . In times of emergency your android phone can convert itself into and handy document scanning and OCR tool , using which you can scan documents , notes , receipts and many more similar things . The scanner...
How to Share an Android phone’s Internet Connection with other Devices
With Android , sharing your Phone’s internet connection with other devices has become very easy . Most of the features required to shared your phone’s internet connection are already present in your phone and there is no need for downloading any third party application to do so . These built in features will enable you to share your Android phone’s internet connection with other...
How to Download YouTube Videos on your Android phone
There are many methods to download YouTube videos on an Android phone . The easiest is by using Keepvid.com or any similar free video downloading services on the internet . But if you want to try a more straightforward and easier method to download videos from YouTube then you can try using a free android app . Tubemate is a free android app , using which you will be able to download YouTube...
Stream Videos and Music from PC to Android over WiFi
Watching movies from your Bed can be an ultimate comfort, unfortunately being a music lover, most of my phone’s storage is filled with music. Which is why most of the time I don’t have enough storage left on my Android phone to copy even a few movies . But being geeky has its own benefits. Instead of copying movies to my Android phone’s storage, I just stream them off my PC’s hard disk over...
How to Download Multiple videos from Youtube
YouTube is the worlds largest collection of user uploaded videos and as we speak there are thousands of videos being uploaded simultaneously . which makes It pretty much impossible to run out of videos to watch on YouTube . When you have a internet connection , you can access YouTube anytime . but what about when your internet connection is down ? One thing that i am sure is , without an internet...