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How to Generate Unique Slug in Laravel


Those coming from WordPress will be very much familiar with the term slug. For those who are new, Slug is the part of the URL that comes after the domain name. The slug provides a unique identity to any page on a website. On content management systems like WordPress, the slug is automatically generated from the title. Slugs play an important role in search engine optimization. A well-optimized...

How to Disable CSRF protection on specific Routes in Laravel


Laravel is built with security in mind and hence it comes with a lot of built-in security features. One of these major security features is cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection. The csrf vulnerability allows anyone to imitate forms on a site and make forged requests to modify or retrieve data.  Laravel generates a csrf token for every user session. Using the csrf token, laravel can...

How to Host Multiple Websites on a Nginx Server


I have been using Nginx as the preferred web server for most of my web projects. It is very efficient than apache, which I used initially for my projects. It didn’t take long to find out the limitations of apache as the traffic grew.  After spending some time researching solutions, eventually, I came across Nginx. Its performance and efficiency simply amazed me. If we compare two separate...

Close Terminal without Killing Running Processes on Linux with Tmux


When connecting remotely to a Linux server, all the processes or scripts started by you through the terminal run as long as you are connected to the server. As soon as you close the terminal, the processes started by you will get terminated.  I faced this issue when I was new to Linux servers. The naive me ran scripts through cronjobs and the issue was temporarily sorted out for me. It did...

Web Scraping with Python and Beautifulsoup for Beginners


Python with the beautifulsoup library makes it very easy for beginners to scrape data from any HTML website. I have been using the request library with python to scrape data from multiple websites. It works like a charm every time unless you encounter a website that renders the front end with javascript. Data scraping helps to collect data from websites. There are various free and paid tools to...

Empty all Files in Linode’s Object Storage Bucket and Delete it


I have been using Linode’s object storage for a year now. Its been primarily used to serve image files for one of my projects. In comparison to its competitor’s offering, Linode’s object storage is definitely much affordable than what Google and Amazon are offering. In fact, Linode’s comparison shows the price difference is almost 900%.  Linode’s object storage is 900% cheaper than...

How to Skip Elements in Xpath


Recently I came across a situation where I had to skip the first li tag from a list of li tags. This is where the position() function in xpath came to my help. Using the position() function, you can specify the number of elements you want to skip both from the beginning or ending of a list of elements. Even a combination of both. The position function returns a number equal to the context...

Your Scratch Disk Is Full: What to Do?


Photoshop’s scratch disk is the vital space on your hard drive assigned by the app for storing its temporary files in the virtual memory. Free space on the scratch disk is necessary for ensuring the proper functioning of Photoshop once there is insufficient space on the hard drive to perform memory-intensive operations. But with time, the scratch disk may get full because of the...

Wireframing For a Responsive Website: Why Skipping It Is Not Recommended


Are you looking to have a responsive website? Are you thinking about the whole step of wireframing? You might think that this is something that you could skip, and maybe you could.  Creating a wireframe using Adobe XD for your website is something that is important and something that you shouldn’t skip. Here are just a few of the reasons why: Wireframes will give a nice visual...

Reasons to Choose a Fast and Affordable Hosting Provider for WordPress Websites


In recent years, WordPress has become a hot favorite amongst nascent bloggers and businesses. Over 38% of all websites on the web now use WordPress. It has led to the emergence of different WordPress-focused hosting firms, as they aim to make the most out of the ever-growing demand of this popular CMS platform. But to ensure your WordPress-powered website performs at its optimum levels, experts...

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