40+ Psychedelic and Trippy Backgrounds for your desktop


Here is our collection of 40+ Psychedelic and trippy backgrounds for your desktop . These trippy backgrounds are based on optical illusions and indiscriminate patterns which can help to bring fresh and creative inspirations . Trippy backgrounds can be very easily differentiated from normal backgrounds with their distinctive patterns and use of colors .

Not a lot of people prefer trippy backgrounds , but trippy backgrounds have their own benefit . Most people believe they induce creativity and help you think creatively . If you love Psychedelic and trippy backgrounds then you are going to love our collection of 40+ Psychedelic and trippy backgrounds for your desktop .

Computer art has allowed for an even greater and more profuse expression of psychedelic vision. Fractal generating software gives an accurate depiction of psychedelic hallucinatory patterns, but even more importantly 2D and 3D graphics software allow for unparalleled freedom of image manipulation.

This collection of Psychedelic and trippy backgrounds range from simple hand drawn images to highly complex computer generated 3d art renderings . These trippy backgrounds come in various resolutions and most of these backgrounds are of HD quality . most of these trippy backgrounds can be used on phones and tablets too .

Note : As these trippy backgrounds are based on optical illusions , some people might get dizziness . Right click on the images and open them in a new tab to download the full resolution backgrounds .

40+ Psychedelic and Trippy Backgrounds for your desktop

Go ahead Download these trippy backgrounds and liven up your desktop screen .

  1. Psychedelic Life By Guilherme Marconi 
  2.  Globe by Veronique MeignaudVeronique-Meignaud psychedelic artist
  3. Trippy wallpaperstrippy-wallpaper-hd-wallpapers
  4. Psychedelic lionpsychedelic_desktop lion
  5. Trippy skull backgroundthe-psychedelic-graphics
  6. Trippy backgroundTrippy-Wallpaper-1988x1376
  7. Colorful foodcolorful-food_00382368
  8. Abstract freedom232476

  9. Psychedelic treeTrippy-Wallpaper-1644x1144
  10. Psychedelic catPyvsj
  11. Miscellaneous digital arttrippy_psychedelic
  12. Digital art
    trippy_psychedelic (2)
  13. Trippy artmiscellaneous_digital_art_trippy
  14. Psychedelic Digital artdigital_art_trippy_psychedelic
  15. Psychedelic explosion clouds
  16. Colorful abstract21062_abstract_trippy_colorful
  17. Abstract desktop wallpaperTrippy-Wallpaper
  18. Random abstract wallpaper;trippy-moving-background-hd-background-desktop
  19. Miscellaneous digital trippy arttrippy-digital-art-colorful-tube-386634

  20. Trippy background artTrippy-Beginning-Shelest
  21. Carouseltrippy-back-rounds
  22. Colorful petalstrippy-background-gif
  23. Abstract designtrippy-8472_00329816

  24. Psychedelic patterntrippy backgrounds (9)
  25. Etherlight by antifantrippy backgrounds (8)
  26. Psychedelic experiencetrippy backgrounds (6)
  27. Hypnotist trippy backgrounds (5)
  28. Abstract trippy wallpapertrippy backgrounds (4)
  29. Abstract artistictrippy backgrounds (3)
  30. optical illusiontrippy backgrounds (2)
  31. Paint psychological worldstrippy backgrounds (1)
  32. Surreal worldpsychedlic art poster complex imagery auhusca
  33. Trippy worldmoving-trippy-wallpapers
  34. Optical illusionhd-wallpapers-hawaii-
  35. Chun li chun_li_trippy
  36. Una fame dopodigital-art-wallpaper
  37. Amazing multi color trippy backgroundabstract_multicolor_psychedelic_trippy
  38. Clouds , ships and flying whale312434
  39. Nasa atronomy302720
  40. Dali301016
  41. Mountain landscapes247154
  42. Psychedelic art212529
  43. Psychedelic layers24607_1_miscellaneous_digital_art_trippy_psychedelic
  44. Abstract multicolored flowers24604_1_miscellaneous_digital_art_trippy_psychedelic
  45. Chinese girl24570_1_miscellaneous_digital_art_trippy_psychedelic
  46. vermillion tounged siren4chan1307979124948

If you like these trippy backgrounds then don’t forget to give us a like and share it with your friends . Keep subscribed to this blog to stay updated with the latest posts .

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By lovejeet


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