Downloading videos from one site and uploading it on another site without permission is illegal. This is why most video sharing websites offer embed codes for the videos hosted on their site. Most of the popular video sharing sites on the internet allow their videos to be embedded on other sites using a piece of code. YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion have been offering this feature for a while and...
How to Embed Facebook Videos on your Blog or Website
How to Record Gameplay Video on a Sony PS4
Being a gamer, we all want to save our precious gaming moments and share it on the internet for other to see and commend us. Thankfully the next gen consoles such as the PS4 have come with inbuilt features to record and share gameplay videos from the console directly. The PS4 has an inbuilt feature to record gameplay videos and ever share them online on Facebook or YouTube. However the feature...
Permanently Increase your Internet Connections’s Speed on Windows by 20%
Not many are aware of the fact that Windows reserves around 20% of your internet connection’s bandwidth for the operating system and the applications installed on it. So essentially at any point of time you are not able to use 100% of your internet connection’s speed. This reserved bandwidth doesn’t matter much if you have a high speed internet connection, but for those of you who...
ARC Welder Runs Android Apps and Games on Chrome for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS
Google has been working hard to integrate its Chrome and Android ecosystems and as a result of the continuous efforts, Google has developed the Arc welder extension for Chrome for desktops. With the help of the Arc welder extension, Chrome users can now install and run android apps on Windows, Linux, Mac and Chrome OS via the browser itself. The project was initially launched back in September...
How to Hide Drives in Windows
Hiding files and folders on windows is piece of cake for everyone as it can be done easily via the properties of the respective file and folder. Without doubt the file and folder hiding feature on windows has been of immense help to people who need to hide important and private files. But the problem is, unhiding files on windows is as easy as hiding them. So a person familiar with windows can...
Remove Tabs from Recent Apps list on Chrome for Android 5.0 Lollipop
After installing the latest Android 5.0 lollipop update on my smartphone, i found out that Chrome for Android has now merged its tabs with Android’s recent app list. Being a long time user, i was very much comfortable with switching the tabs from the chrome itself. Upon doing some research i found out that this feature is only limited to Android 5.0 lollipop. This is something that i didn’t...
How to Enable Sound via the PS4 Controller and Use Headphones
The Playstation 4 has an extremely useful new feature that allows you to connect a headphone or speaker from the Dualshock 4 controller itself. Thanks to this new feature you are now not bound to stay within the length of your headphone’s cable and at the same time there are less chances of breaking the wires of your headphone accidentally. However if you set up your PS4 for the first time...
How to Change Case of Text to all Capital , Lower or Proper
Have you ever been so busy in writing something that you forgot to turn off caps lock. This is something that happens accidentally, so don’t panic!. We know how irritating it is to write everything once again in lower case. But after reading this post, i’m sure you wont have to worry about typing text accidentally in caps again. If you have typed something accidentally in Microsoft...
Save Data on Google Chrome for Desktop with Data Saver
While many of us are exploring the information superhighway with an super fast internet connection, there are still people out there who are crawling the internet with slow broadband speeds. In a country like India, where internet speeds have gone down the drain, affordable high speed connections are a distant dream. ISP’s have formed cartel to impose a fair usage policy throughout the country...
How to Check if your Android Smartphone is Charging Properly
A new android device will take less much time to charge than an older device. While sometimes it’s the battery that wears down after numerous charge and discharge cycles. But other things such as the charger, power outlet or the USB cable can be the reason why your smartphone is taking too long to charge completely. The USB cable of your smartphone’s charger has a higher chance of...