How to Record Screen Video on Mac OS X Yosemite


It’s been a few months since i bought myself a Macbook air and i am really loving every aspect of the Mac OS. Apple has done a splendid job on making the Mac OS extremely user friendly and i have to say that the mac has made my work more effortless.
Since i love to create tutorials for anything new that i find on my Macbook, i regularly make use of the screen capture feature to take screenshot of my Mac’s screen. Eventually i had to record a video of my Mac’s screen and i was really surprised to find out that the Mac OS even has a built in feature for screen recording too. This is something thats not available on windows by default.
This is something that is not well documented by apple which is why a lot of people make use of third party programs to record their Mac’s screen video instead of using the default screen recording feature provided on their mac’s.
The screen record is a feature of the Quicktime player and the great thing about it is, the feature records the video as well as the sound from the microphone. Now that you know that there is an built in screen recording feature in Mac OS X, here’s how you can use it to record videos of your mac’s screen.

How to Record Screen Video on Mac OS X Yosemite

  • Step 1: Launch Quicktime player from the Others folder in Launchpad.


  • Step 2: Click on File > New Screen Recording from the Applications menu.


  • Step 3: Select a Audio source from the screen recording tool and click on the Record button to start recording the screen’s video.


  • Step 4: You can Click anywhere on the screen to record a video of the whole screen or drag and select an portion of the screen to record a video of the selected area.


  • Step 5: Once your recording is complete, you can click on the Stop button in the status menu to stop the recording.


  • Step 6: You can then see a preview of the recorded video. Click on the Red icon to save the recorded video.

That’s it, you can now edit the recorded video and use it further. However you need to know that you can’t use this feature won’t be able to record audio from the programs, for example you can record a gameplay video, but the audio wont be recorded.

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Leave a Reply to CECILE VANCE Cancel reply

  • Yup, using QuickTime is the most convenient way to record screen videos on Mac since you are not required to install any programs. Besides, you can also use a free online screen recorder called acethinker screen recorder, I think it works better and features more than QuickTime, and it does not require any installation.

  • Thank you for these instructions, really helpful!! I used to make screencast on my Macbook pro with acethinker screen recorder, free and works quite well. It is a web-based tool that lets you record your screen right from your browser. You don’t have to install any additional plug-ins or add-ons. Share it here as an alternative to Quicktime.

By lovejeet


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